Blueridge Slim-fit and NGA Towers
Blueridge Slim-fit and NGA Towers
Blueridge Slim-fit and NGA Towers
Blueridge Slim-fit and NGA Towers
The site has a locational advantage being situate next to Rajiv Gandhi Infotech Park.
The design was to create high-rise residential towers with a large podium and substantial shopping. Walk to work is the mantra, with Blueridge SEZ planned adjacent to the township. Walk to school and shopping is also the other important criteria.
A high-street -like shopping is designed below the podium. A three-level parking is designed incorporating the shopping line fronting the road. The towers are resting on the podium parallel to each other in a staggered manner. A central garden bifurcates the podium, two groups of towers being connected only by shopping and podium.
Group 1 is Slim-fit apartments (B1 to B4) and Group 2 is NGA (B6-B8). The building B5 was visualized earlier but later eliminated to create a larger central garden. The essential shopping has a variety with various size of shops, some with mezzanine spaces.
The towers offer one and two- bedroom apartments. Some duplex one- bedroom apartments are interestingly positioned in the towers to create an interesting façade. Two clubhouses with swimming pools are designed for each group of apartments on the podium.
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